Madlena Domazet Dasic grew up in Singapore, and is currently living in Belgrade. She has accomplished her PHD majoring in Design of New Media, at the Metropolitan University of Belgrade. Currently, beside her art studio, she works as a Professor of visual art courses on the basic and master level.
She is a member of ULUPUDS, The Association of Aplied Artists and Designers of Serbia.
Within her design studio, she works on commercial and avanguarde projects alike.
She is the founder and CEO of the socially engaged initiative “Artists Anonymous Belgrade”, a design engine bringing together creative professionals working and aiming to collect funds for social causes.
She has exhibited her work in London, Barcelona, New York, Zagreb, Belgrade and Vienna.
Her commercial projects are mainly based on producing brand design concepts. This meanS she creates design baseD strategies for upcoming brands leaning on storytelling and powerful visual statements, for all formats needed.
She is the author of a book of visual prose named “Cigarettes, Cognac and Pavarotti”.
Has worked in creative concepts producing interior design and conceptual design. AS A LECTURER, She has been a host of various artistic workshops and organisations in Serbia and abroad.
She has worked for “Tempus” Educational projects, and spent 2 years working with The Angewandte University in Vienna researching Visual Mathematics.
She was chosen to be apart of the Sebian Ministry Project of Young Researchers, and her PHD disertation was focused on subjects via this project, in the theory of visual poetry.